North American Etchells Class Champions
Congratulations to the North American Etchells Champions
These are the historical winners of the annual North American Etchells Championship Perpetual Trophy.
2023: Jim Cunningham, Steve Hunt, Erik Shampain, Serena Vilage
2022: John Sommi, Victor Diaz de Leon, Will Ryan, Beccy Anderson
2021: Scott Kaufman, Alec Anderson, Brian Kalimar, Reed Baldridge
2020: Not sailed
2019: Scott Kaufman, Diego Stefani, Lucas Calabrese, Austen Anderson
2018: Scott Kaufman, Lucas Calabrese, Austen Anderson, Erik Shampain
2017: Scott Kaufman, Jesse Kirkland, Alex Curtiss, Austen Anderson
2016: Steve Benjamin, Michael Menninger, Victor Diaz, Ian Liberty
2015: Steve Benjamin, George Peet, Luke Lawrence, Julian Sudofsky
2014: Thomas Carruthers, Andrew Palfrey, Chris Busch
2013: Jeffrey Siegal, Jeff Madrigali, Willem Van Waay, Sarah Callahan
2012: Dirk Kneulman, Anatole Masfen, Andrew Wills
2011: Hank Lammens, Jens Bojsen-Moller, Westergaard
2010: Bruce Golison, Jud Smith, Bill Lynn, Dina Corsi
2009: Marvin Beckmann, Curt Oetking, Andrew Lee
2008: Jud Smith, Mark Johnson, Nik Burfoot
2007: Jud Smith, Moose McClintock, Steve Girling
2006: Jud Smith, Henry Frazer, Mike Craig
2005: Jud Smith, Henry Frazer, Mike Craig
2004: Jud Smith, Henry Frazer, Andrew Wills
2002: Dennis Connor, Peter Burton, Al Pleskus
2001: Dennis Connor, Peter Burton, Al Pleskus
2000: Russell Coutts
1999: Jud Smith, Henry Frazer, Dan Later
1998: Bill Barton, Tim Parsons, Steve Fentress
1997: Dave Curtis, George Iverson, Hans Fogh
1996: Ken Read, Karl Anderson, Andrew Josenhaus
1995: Bruce Nelson, Bill Bennett, John Kostecki
1994: Ken Read, Brad Dimeo, Karl Anderson
1993: Dave Curtis, George Iverson, Tim McKegney
1992: Russ Silvestri, Bill Barton, Scot Inveen
1991: Dave Curtis, Pat Goodrow, Steve Ullan
Congratulations to the North American Etchells Class North American Top Corinthians
The Corinthian Trophy is given annually to the top-placing all-amateur team at the North American Championship. The perpetual trophy was kindly donated by Etchells sailor Pat Stadel.
2023: Andrew Cumming, John Millen, Chloe Congourdeau, Erin Sauder
2022: Sam Thompson, Jack Porter, Erin Sauder, Connor MacKenzie
2021: Will La Dow, Andy La Dow, Chuck Sinks, Anton Schmid
2020: Not sailed
2019: Bruce Burton, Glenn Burton, Jon Easley
2018: Ted Hardenbergh, Jamie Hardenbergh, Mark Hardenbergh, “Natasha”, Chicago YC
2017: K. Whittemore, B. Thomas, K. Downey, P. Busch, “Blonde Antelope”, San Diego YC
2016: B. Kinney, S. Bischoff, C. Bischoff, “KGB”, San Francisco YC
2015: B. Kinney, S. Bischoff, C. Bischoff, “KGB”, American YC
2014: T. Hardenbergh, USA 1012, Chicago YC
2013: B. Golison, USA 1285, NYYC
2012: A. Campbell, USA 1375, Bayview YC
2011: S. Girling, USA 1200, Eastern YC
2010: A. Campbell, USA 1375, NHYC
2009: W. Edwards, USA 1221, Corinthian YC
2008: W. Edwards, USA 1221, Corinthian YC
2007: H. Lammens, CAN 1349, HYC
2006: R. Hitchcock, USA 1105, NBYC